Tuesday, 27 February 2007

Steve Bennett Interview

As part of my research I interviewed Steve Bennett, a Premiership referee, to see where he stood on the topic of technology in football. I have published part of the interview below:

With the previous question in mind what are your views on implementing technology to assist referees in decision making?

"I don’t have any problem with technology – the only situation I believe it would work is goal line assistance providing the technology was reliable enough to give a positive decision within a few seconds of the incident happening. Sometimes a goal line judgement is extremely difficult and several different replays are required"

Do you think the introduction of technology would relieve some of the pressures on referees?

"Yes. But only for the above situation."

If technology was implemented by the Premier League, how do you think this would affect the role and status of the referee within the game?

"It would definitely enhance the referee’s decision making."

To view the full interview click here:

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